Monday, January 25, 2010

metonic showers/ long hours

let 'the incredible lightness of being' be your anthem to 'the time is out of joint'. there is a strange euphoria thats accomanies tramautic experiences. in this new millenium are we in some whatever place or cynical time cruxx...and what did the nineties give us? NAFTA!? SO do we give ourselves to a schitzophenic time siezure or constitute an new spectacular continuity? thinking about place is important, for one the situationist international was right to protest place commodities but in all their diagnostics they were looking for end to politics. the place and time to speak about it is right here obviously. but because we reflect on negtivity and absent centers doesnt require cynicism or the dadaist 'abolition of the future'. its enought in fact to be wise to our own semblenceness. peeling off the fantasy to reverse or alter something like 'american exceptionalism' is totally over shooting the mark. i for one would love to ceate a big fucking spectacle, and i wonder at a radical reorginization of common sense.

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