Sunday, January 3, 2010


recently ive been getting into broad appeal pop music that has more of a feel good vibes. for ever i was into stuff that had nothing to do with feeling good or crowd pleasing, non song music that took moments to disregard the audience and do something interesting or strange, like take a breK FROM PER4FUNCTORY NORMALNESS, THE 'NORMAL' SITUATION. Like adult. or suicide, black dice among others. at these shows i often wanted to take a break from my own normal situation, temporarily, emotionally, take a dive somewhere outside of formal communicatibility or more importantly the molds that we pour our energies into that they may be recieved by other human beings. the poets are endlessly looking for ways to evade the cliche' expression. but there is in language a tension which has not only to do with the obligation to represent our person through rigid structures that have nothing to do with our actual being, but also that they have everything to do with our experience of being (the form is defining content). the world is absolutely topsy turvey in this way and music offers itself as an energy that communicates on its own terms. AND MUSIC IS, having no neccessary body or rational discourse or reference to concept (tone and pitch are are different cases entirely; they are real objects or, or the superficial roadblocks to the form but not meaning) it is in itself an exceptional continuity or a sensing before words ....For this reason i have disdain for the person who says "i just love that song(the macarana)!!! and genre-centric musicians who buy into replication and precidence. worse yet is the music capitalist who empties out content into a product, or the opportunist that works any genre whatsoever to get listend too (i.e. black eyed peas). music movements and even genre defining artists are guilty of this lazyness. replication is fruitful in certain respects but i find the experience lackluster. the attitude which is genre-conscious but not genre-defined is commendable. glass candy is a good example of just such a band. they have a track called 'superficial roadblocks' on their album music dream which i imagine the themes to be stuttering over the sexual energies of music and dancing. it is in a later album where 'soft boundries/animal imgination' captures this energy perfectly. whats interesting in track 2 about 'ripe apples' is the name itself, it is a kind of metaphor to song. it is song that captures chaotic tendencies in pre-speech or noise music and coalesces it into a fleshy fruit. it is a cocoon of meaning, but like the poem it consists of the 'creature' that would leave it. an obsession with music that disregards its audience is something to do with a deisre for a real intimacy. pop appeal on the other hand is the stamp of a symbolic panopticon, a forboding figure of a kind of perpetual 'no' who smashes the mind and desire into a formal submission. because of this pop culture is the grooming grounds of disconnected bodies, the intimacy in personal aleination; virtual communication in its truest sense. it is a case of looking ffor love in all the wrong places.

Here's a link to it:

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